Welcome to the Calvary Baptist Church Website!

Calvary Baptist Church is an Independent, Christ centered, assembly, of born-again baptized believers using old-fashioned hymns of old, from saints who have been through problems and God inspired them to write the soul stirring words of truth comfort conviction love of God.

We invite you to come and learn, grow and  pray with the body of believers. We want to help you spirituality and  strengthen your relationship with God.


What we believe:

We believe the holy Scriptures and accept the 66 books of the old and New Testament as the very words of God.

We believe the Bible is verbally inspired in its entirety without error and all sufficient in itself as the only infallible and true rule of faith and practice.

We believe Jesus Christ is the head of the church as he gave himself for His church.

We believe preaching and teaching to help us grow spiritually to strengthen our relationship with God and to improve our lives.

We believe Jesus Christ freely gave himself on the cross to be the substitute for man’s penalty and to become the final sacrifice for mans sin.

We believe in the tri-unity of God, that is, He has one nature and one essence yet manifests Himself in three distinct persons the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe they are equal in every divine perfection and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the greater work of redemption.

We believe God is worthy of all possible praise, confidence glory in love.

We believe that Jesus Christ the eternal son of God was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin in order to reveal God and redeem man.

We believe Jesus Christ never ceased to be God nor did he abandon any attributes of his deity. We believe that Jesus Christ freely gave himself on the cross to be a substitute for man’s penalty in to become the final sacrifice for mans sin.

We believe by His physical death on the cross, Jesus Christ accomplished man’s redemption for the shedding of his own blood. Christ’s death surpassed the requirements of the law allowing man free and access to the throne of God.

We believe Jesus was buried for three days in the earth and that our justification was made complete by his literal and physical resurrection from the dead.

We believe that Jesus Christ has ascended back to Heaven, is exalted at the right hand of God the father and is our high priest fulfilling the ministry of intercessor and advocate.

We believe in salvation is a free gift God has offered man by grace.

We believe that this pardon is not merited or secured in any part by man’s virtue or good works but is received humbly by recognizing our corrupt condition. We are sinful and separated from a holy God. We can receive God’s gift of salvation by believing that Christ death on the cross is complete and that his death was in our stead.

We believe by calling on God to save us from our sinful state by his grace and buy repenting and having faith in Christ is essential for salvation.

We believe we are kept secure in Christ forever and salvation could never be forfeited or taken away.

We believe once we are regenerated we will have a change of mind and heart and a desire to obey the principles found in the word of God.

We believe that God commands his children to be personally separated from all worldly and sinful pleasures and associations.

We believe the process of sanctification begins with regeneration and should be lived out in the death of a child of God every day so as not to bring reproach upon the Saviour.

We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit will help a believer to live effectively forgot it in the world remaining unspotted from the influences of the world.

We believe that the local church is the body and espoused bride of Christ in a congregation of baptized believers who have voluntarily unified together for the purpose of worship fellowship and filling the great commission.

We believe that baptism and obedience of the Lord supper are the only two ordinances God gave the local church to obey.

We believe baptism is totally immersion of a believer underwater as an act which both signifies our faith and the death burial and resurrection of Christ and also shows are death to sin and self and resurrection to newness of life in Christ.

We believe the element of the Lord supper unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine are symbols of Christ body and blood and do not become the actual body and blood of our Lord.

We believe the local church should be autonomous self-governing self supporting.